25km trail race
Pine Thirst Lake Conservation Area, Cambridge
October 4, 2008
Before Race
I came to this race planning to use it as a good training race for my school cross-country season. My coach told me not to do the 25km but to stop once I did the first loop. I wanted to complete a strong 12.5km loop, trying to stick near some of the top ten runners. A bit before the race my coach said to me I could do the whole thing if I really wanted to. She said to run like I felt. I said okay, but planned on just doing the 12.5km because even though I had logged high miledge during the summer, my focus was on shorter speed races. I hadn’t trained to race 25km, with my longest race ever being 15kms. I was very relaxed as this was just going to be a training run. I was looking forward to a good workout.
My coach had me warm up with some of her ultra friends and luckily they helped me to get in the front of the start line. I only expected to be running for 12.5km so I was wearing high performance trail shoes made for short distances. The horn went and I started. I was surprised at my positioning. I am used to a very fast start because the races I’ve been doing this year have been shorter distances. Staring faster is something I’ve been working on this season. In this race I was running right at the front. When I dropped off of my starting pace into my race pace I found my self feeling pretty good.
The First 12.5km
I started in the front group but after about 3km realized their pace was a bit too fast for me. I got a cramp so I slowed up and joined a second pack of runners. At about 6km I was still with them and had started feeling better. The next 3km felt like a school cross-country race. It was a cut grass double track in light hills. I still hadn’t taken much to drink from the aid stations because for that long of a run I knew I wouldn’t need much. At about 11km I hit one of the steepest hills I had ever run up. Although I knew it was coming and couldn’t wait to run it. I felt a little differently about it at the top. I didn’t have much to go and I picked it up a bit to the finish. I was about the 10th runner to cross the line at just under 55 minutes.
The Second Loop
After crossing the line I didn’t stop running. I was tired, but I didn’t want to stop. I thought to myself I’ll just try to finish in under 2 hours. I hit the road section again at
15km. My first stupid mistake. My feet were killing me. I guess it wasn’t the best decision to wear my high performance shoes. I was greatly relieved when I hit the trail again. At about 18km I hit an aid station, and was really feeling my second stupid mistake. I hadn’t drank barely any water my first time through. I had salt all over my face and I was feeling quite dehydrated. I drank as much as I could. Through the next 4km I wondered to myself; why did I keep running? Why didn’t I just stop? I shouldn’t have worn these shoes! Why did I not drink any water? At the same time I was completely impressed with myself and glad I was still running. With 3km to go my coach handed me some gummies for the finish. I threw them in my mouth. Last stupid mistake. The gummies were rock hard and too big to just swallow. I must have been choking and chewing on them for the next kilometer before I got them down my throat. I thought to myself, at least it was a flavor I liked. I ran up the big hill for the last time. I attempted to push it in to the finish, but my legs were tired, and my feet were killing me. But, I did manage to finish and I didn’t stop to walk once. I was very impressed.
After The Race
I finished in 1 hour 57 minutes. I was the 23rd finisher. I drank and ate as much as I could before getting sick. Then I had a little more after. My legs were fairly tight, but the worst were my feet and ankles, from wearing the limited support and cushioning performance shoes. I re-hydrated, stretched out and rested the rest of the day. I was overjoyed with my time and finish for my first half marathon and regretful that I hadn’t trained for it. I loved the race, and I plan to run many more half and full marathons in the future.