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The Juicing effect


If you are looking for the most effective and immediate impact on your health, your first stop should be daily organic green juices. Juicing is a liquid vitamin supplement, only better tasting (in most cases). It gives your body a break from digesting foods, a reason you hear many reviews on juicing to cleanse. Juices are packed with nutrients, antioxidants and essential amino acids, and are rapidly assimilated. Although it can be time consuming and requires a large clean up, it’s a wonderful gift to yourself and family. Have fun, be creative and experiment with it. If you can’t be bothered to make time, find a juice bar and make it part of your daily route. The are popping up all over the place.

Here are a few things to consider when purchasing a juicer;

length of warranty – two to give years is what you should be looking for
removable parts – you want a machine that is easy to clean
rubber feet so your machine stays in one place when juicing
large feeder – this will determine how much prep you will have to do. The larger the feeder, the less cutting you can do.
steel basket, bowl and blade
quiet and powerful motor
automatic pulp ejection
centrifugal (spinning) force


I personally use the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. It is twice the price of the other plus models costing $350 but it has a more powerful motor at 1000 watts and an extra large stainless steel feeding chute. In comparison to other models, I don’t need to cut my vegetables and fruit into small pieces and it is fast juicing. The machine can be taken apart into separate pieces for easy cleaning and I love how nice it looks on my counter.

Here are two recipes to try. Start with the first one. The second is for the hard-core juice lover’s! Make sure you are using fresh, quality and organic vegetables. Don’t juice something you wouldn’t eat.


Energy Boost

5 slices of pineapple
2-3 oz of water
1/2 cucumber
2 large red apples
1/2 inch ginger root
1 carrot
1 tbsp greens+ (optional)

Juice all the ingredients through your machine. Use the 2-3 oz of water after the pineapple to flush the juice through. Stir in the greens+ and pour into a large class.

Tempo Run Rocket Fuel

1 handful of spinach
8 stalks of parsley
1 large cucumber
2 large green apples
1/2 lemon, peel removed
5 stalks celery
1 tbsp Greens+ (optional)

Juice all the ingredients through your machine. Finish with celery. Stir in the greens+ and pour into a large glass.


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  • Mindy, where is the pre-race super charger? Consuming beets and beet juice prior to race day is my new secret weapon. Oops, not so secret now!

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