I LOVE this bike box. I have always used the flimsy Profile Design box and appreciated it for what it did, held my fuel and phone. Until I used the Nathan Hyper SpeedFeed Box.
I was lucky enough to acquire the SF Box (as I will call it from here on in) via my connections at Running Free. The SF Box was to be released last Fall, so should be in stores now.
Similar to the Profile Design box, it holds my food and phone, but that is where the similarities end. The SF Box has stiff sides that stop it from shifting to one side or the other and potentially hitting your leg and causing some chafing (it’s happened!). The SF Box also has a clear top flap with magnetic closure. The jury is still out on whether the magnet closure is a huge improvement over the velco. The clear top flap is fantastic, however! No more lunch baggies over my phone incase of rain. If I need to write down my route, I can place it under the flap, so I can read on the go and no fumbling around with paper.
I am curious to see how the flap holds up under sweat, sticky drinks, sun and heat. The SF Box seems easy enough to clean but I do not expect I can throw it in the laundry as I did with the Profile Design. Time will tell how clean it stays.
As Nathan seems to be doing with all their lines, there is also a lot of colour choice. I have the grey but there is also purple, dark blue and light blue as well as classic black.
Overall, this fuel box is a huge improvement over my old Profile Design.