I received a pair of Currex insoles at the beginning of the summer. At the Running Free spring meeting, I stood on the Footdisc to determine my foot type and size. They determined my type to be the RunPro Medium. (orange) Because I ordered them a month later from my store, I inadvertently ordered the high arch one. (blue) They were easy to fit into my running shoes. There was extra cushioning in the heel which I likes, especially seeing as I can be a heal striker when getting tired. They were snug and comfortable due to their pre-molding. My body heat eventually molds it to my feet. I like that these insoles are designed specifically for running shoes. Most of my runs are 10k or less and I used them in just the one pair of my shoes. In the spring I was having some hip issues, but did not seem to notice any problems for the summer which I think is a result of wearing these insoles. But by the end of the summer I was starting to have calf issues which I blame entirely on having the wrong insole type. I am going to re-order and try the medium soles, as I found these very comfortable and I think had I been in the correct insole I would have had an injury free summer.