The spring / fall season brought quite a few races for me – 3 half marathons and one full. With the training came the mileage….and the mileage brought the need for a quantity of fuel. My ‘go-to’ fuel on the run is GU energy gel…salted caramel is my current fav and is with me on all my long runs.
I’ve found GU does not upset my stomach …. (which we know can be hazardous on a long run out in the middle of no where!!!)
I always take a GU Roctane with me in case I need an extra boost to get me back home. Roctane packs a bit more bunch with the extra caffeine. Salted chocolate is awesome, although not available everywhere so when you see it grab it fast. I Always take a Roctane for the last kick in a race.
One of GU’s distinguishing features is it contains multiple sources of fuel, which, based on reading I’ve done, allows you to consume and absorb more fuel each hour and therefore keep your system energized. I don’t know all the science behind that but if that means I’ll be running stronger for longer than it definitely makes me a fan!!
Thanks to GU for providing a variety of energy sources and flavours to keep me running!