So, this is kind of an awkward one to write about. How does one describe underwear, with the ballpark pouch, without oversharing? When I first heard about SAXX; I’ll be honest…I thought it sounded like a gimmick. I thought to myself; “why would anybody need that?” I always wore compression under my shorts, and rarely had any issues. I didn’t see any need for a ballpark pouch. But then; a couple of my running friends tried them, and said they were a game changer. Being somebody that can never say no to peer pressure…I caved. I spent a good hour or so on the SAXX website, looking at the different materials and cuts. I felt a little (a lot) overwhelmed, and confused. So, I headed to Running Free, and walked over to the Wall o’ SAXX. I stood in front of the wall for a good 15 minutes (probably more like 20) trying to decide which ones to buy. No doubt, I must have looked odd standing there for so long. I got multiple offers for help and, to let people know if I had any questions (amazing job as always by the staff). I smiled, and said “thanks…just looking”. Every now and then, I reached for one of the samples that are conveniently available for just such a thing; and ran the material back and forth between my fingers in a non-creepy way; trying to decide which ones would be best. There are a lot of options available. Various material; with or without the standard flap; and of course…designs galore! In the 16th (ahem…21st) minute, still overwhelmed and undecided; I decided to just go for it, and picked out one set of Vibe, one set of Kinetic, and proceeded to the cash. Question that I’ve always wondered: Is it a “set” of underwear? Or is a “pair” of underwear? Or is it just “an” underwear? anyway, I digress…
I anxiously tried them out (once I got home…obviously), and can honestly say that after my first run, I was instantly hooked. Although I rarely had any issues that I would have felt the need for the pouch; it was a welcome addition. Things just felt smoother, and oh so comfortable. They really are the underwear that you never knew you needed. About a week or so later; I found myself on the Running Free site, ordering more. And have been back to the store to pickup even more since then. I’m now the proud owner of several sets of Kinetic, a couple of Vibe, an Ultra, and a Fuse.
My first recommendation is to pay close attention to the sizing chart. If you find that you’re sort of between sizes; I would suggest going with the smaller of the two sizes. They are stretchy, and you want to keep things where they are supposed to be. The sizing is available on the Running Free site, as well as on the SAXX site, and of course on the back of each package…I mean…underwear package.
The second thing that I noticed is that the materials really do make a difference. I would for sure put the Vibe and Ultra in the category or “everyday-wear”; and Kinetic would be the go-to for “sports-wear”. Fuse I would say is sort of in between the two. Hands down though, I love the Kinetic. Stretchy, breathable, comfortable, and no seams in wrong places.
At first, the price tag might be a bit intimidating. I mean; they are underwear after all. But I would encourage you to give them a try. You can often get them on sale if you wait for the Running Free Customer Appreciation events. And SAXX is also a Team Running Free partner! Give them a try. You won’t regret it. Your “ballpark” deserves it.
Full disclosure: I was fortunate enough to win a credit for SAXX in the Team Running Free lottery this year. BUT, I won that credit after already becoming a SAXX believer. So, it did not sway my opinion in any way, shape, or form. It just allowed me to add even more to my collection 🙂