I ran the 2023 Boston Marathon for charity this year after falling 24 seconds short of a BQ. My husband and I drove 1200 kms to get to Boston. Due to high hotels prices, we decided to stay at the KOA Boston/Cape Cod which is located in Middleboro south of the city. We used the unlimited $10 weekend commuter pass to go in and out of Boston. This worked out perfectly and gave us a nice peaceful cabin at the campground to go back to. On marathon Monday the pass was $15 for unlimited travel.
Expo: we got there at 5 pm on Saturday evening which had short lines for me to go through the convention center to get my race bib and then on to the expo. The expo was quite small. Competitors of Adidas were not in the expo but had pop-up stores on nearby streets. Fan Fest was nice. It was a short 30 minute wait to get a customized patch added to my Celebration Jacket.
Race morning was straight forward. I took the train in to South Station and walked to the Boston Common. I was there way too earlier for my bib colour and had to go to the visitor center to use the washrooms since I wasn’t allowed into the bus waiting area yet which had many portojohns available.
My race went well enough for me. Because of a recent health crisis it took much longer than previous marathons and when I finished the BAA had run out of medals. We were sent emails to verify our addresses and should get the race medal in the next week or two. The spectators and volunteers are absolutely amazing in Boston. I should know I was one of them back in 2021! 😛
Boston Marathon 2023

A very unique marathon for you. I admire your ability to look at the brighter side of life while going through the journey to achieve your goal!