Gravenhurst – June 11th, 2023

One of the things that I love most about running (and triathlon) is the community. That’s a huge part of what drew me to join all the amazing people at Team Running Free. It’s also how I found myself in Gravenhurst this weekend with 11 of my best friends and family members participating in a triathlon relay. I fell in love with the sport last year after competing in the Muskoka Half Iron Man and needed to get my friends in on the action. Ultimately I convinced 11 people to make 4 relay teams and join me at the MultiSport Canada event this last weekend.
Arriving at the Race
We were participating in the Sprint distance – 750m swim, 20km bike and 5km run – on Sunday morning and registration was the morning of. Registration was open from 6:15 until 7:15 with the athlete meeting in transition at 7:00. There was ample parking, the tent was easy to find and everyone was waiting to board the ferry in no-time.
Race Start
The race starts at 8:00, our swimmer was in the 8:04 heat. My other teammate and I anxiously watch the swimmers start to run into transition and see our teammate round the corner making great time. The transition involves removing the velcro timing chip from the swimmers ankle and putting it on your own before you start riding.
My portion of the race was the 20km bike. The course is very rolling and mostly forgiving with no major climbs to speak of. It was an open course but the OPP and volunteers did a great job of maintaining a safe environment for racers and spectators.
After arriving back in transition and affixing the ankle bracelet to my final teammate, he set out on the 5km run. The run course does have a hill to speak of – it’s around the 3km point and I’d be ready for it if you’re looking to take this race on next year.
Results and Final Thoughts
I’m happy to say that Team Running Free ultimately took the top step on the podium in the Sprint Triathlon Relay division this weekend.

This was a wonderfully organized event and a triathlon relay is a fantastic way to get into triathlon or help someone else into it. Thank you to MultiSport Canada, my friends and family for joining me and for a great race.