Kick & Push ‘Half’ Century Ride
Cycling Race reports November 30, 2023 No Comments on Kick & Push ‘Half’ Century RideI saw this cycling event by MT Adventures in early 2023 and thought why not. Would be a blast to
David Varty
Team Running Free Alumni
Age: 51
Member Since: 2015
Occupation: Business Analyst
Home: Eastern Ontario
About Me: Trail runner for sure first, adventure racer second. For training I usually do a lot of hill workouts in all types of weather conditions. Not really a fan of road racing anymore, but sometimes it can be fun.
Sports: Running (road, trail, snowshoeing), Cycling (mtb), Paddling, Kayaking, Orienteering
Athletic Goals: 2024 goals<br> 1. Sulphur Springs 100miler<br> 2. Haliburton 100 miler <!-- 2018 goals:<br> 1. Bruce Peninsula Mulitsport Race<br> 2. Barkley Fall Classic<br> 3. 50k OUTrace series<br> 4. La Cloche 100 miler trail race<br> 2017 goals:<br> 1. Sulphur Springs 200 miler trail race - DONE<br> 2. Compete in the OUTRace trail series - DONE<br> 3. Finish the Wilderness Traverse 24 hour adventure race higher ranked - DONE<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> -->
My most catastrophic racing experience was: Crashing in a mountain bike race and breaking several bones. A very rough DNF.
My most memorable racing experience was: Completing the Sulphur Springs 200 miler in May 2017.
Favourite Racing Gear: Running Free Team Gear <!-- Compression socks. The ones I have been using a lot lately is the VeBA’s. -->
Favourite Race: Bruce Peninsula Multisport Race
Favourite Race Food: Water, Honey Stingers, Tailwind, PowerAide
Athlete Website/Blog:
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