Michelle Smith
Team Running Free Markham
Age: 45
Member Since: 2016
Occupation: Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
Home: Orillia
Sports: Running, Kyaking, Hiking, Orienteering, Cycling, Weightlifting.
Athletic Goals: Currently I have just returned to ultramarathoning after haven taken a year off & haven given birth to my forth child. I worked hard this past year to have dropped over 70 lbs bringing my body back to its previous level of endurance, strength and physical capabilities. Typically I have a routine that I walk for 30 minutes every morning with my baby and then I run 7 miles every evening. My days remain active working with clients and caring for my family. I have a few long distance events coming up in the near future also I am looking at doing a few local short distance races to re-establish my 5 and 10 km PB.
My most memorable racing experience was: Finishing my first half marathon and my first 100 Miler.
Favourite Racing Gear: CWX Saucony Hurricanes TNF
Favourite Race: Niagara Ultra
Favourite Race Food: Training Foods & Supplements on LSD: PB & Jam 1/2 Apple H2O SI Caps G2 Racing Foods & Suppements: Isagenix G2 Shot blocks SI Caps