Super Feet
Gear Reviews November 4, 2019 No Comments on Super FeetAs part of team running free lottery I received the Super Feet credit. I went ahead and picked up a
Troy Rowe
Team Running Free Alumni
Age: 5
Member Since: 2013
Occupation: IT Services
Home: Markham
About Me: I have a loving wife, a beautiful son and daughter and great friends to train with all year long.
Sports: Triathlon - Swim/Bike/Run Running - Road trails please!
Athletic Goals: Stay Fit & Happy Wife/Happy Life! Shave about half an hour off half-iron distance tri and an hour off a full IM distance tri
My most catastrophic racing experience was: Boston Marathon 2012 Was a warm day, no PR!
My most memorable racing experience was: IM Mont Tremblant 2012 IM Florida 2019 It was my first full IM distance tri and everything worked out on race day
Favourite Racing Gear: Saucony Kinvara New Balance 1400s Under Armour Compression Shirts Running Free Bike Shorts/Tri Shorts CEP compression calf
Favourite Race: Road to Hope
Favourite Race Food: Honey Stinger Waffles Gu chocolate gels Gatorade
As part of team running free lottery I received the Super Feet credit. I went ahead and picked up a
This was my 3rd time running Hamilton Marathon. My neighbor was able to grab my bib on the Saturday which
As part of team running free lottery I received the Balega sock credit. I went ahead and picked up a
Being part of Team Running Free, I entered my name in the lottery for freebies and won a free entry
What a fast course! If you are looking for a fast, local 10k, this is the one. There were
I joined the Running Free Team on Saturday at the ATB expo booth for a few hours to volunteer. I
Chilly Half Marathon 2013 – Race Report Troy Rowe 1:25 Pace Bunny Pros Flat, with 2 out and